How to change your brake pads, brake pad hardware, and rotors on your Touareg

Step 1. Buy your parts from Geoff at Alretta Truck Parts

Step 2. Remove lug bolt caps with hi-tech tool supplied by VW

Step 3. Loosen lug bolts with lug wrench and even more hi-tech tool supplied by VW

Step 4. Jack up your treg. For safety's sake you should use jack stands...
I like to live dangerously so I just used the floor jack.

Step 5. Remove lug bolts

Step 6. If you wheel is frozen to the rotor, beat that fool with a mallet!

Step 7. Move this obnoxious line out of your way by removing it from its harness

Step 8. Slap your 16mm triple-square in the caliper bolt and prepare for the battle of a lifetime.

This puny thing is what caused you all of that hassle.

Remove the second bolt.

Step 9. Remove the e-brake adjuster doodad with a 5mm triple-square

Hang on to this, you will need it later

Step 10. Remove the rotor retention bolt with a T-50 torx bit

You can chuck this thing. What's that? You don't have a spare? Go back to step 1.

Step 11. Remove the rotor, if it is tight, see step 6

Step 12. Remove the cotter pin from the brake caliper hardware with some needle nose pliers

You can chuck this thing too

Step 13. Remove the pin that holds the brake hardware in place.

You can try to knock it out with a makeshift punch

You can try vise grips

You can try pressing down on the spring while pulling with vise grips

I found that best way to remove the pin is to curse profusely with spittle flying out of your mouth
Great Success!

Step 14. Disconnect the old brake wear sensor

Yep, definitely needed to replace them

Step 15. Depress all 4 of the pistons. You can use your thumb

Or you can use a C clamp if you are a weakling. I used a C clamp

Step 16. Put your parts together like the old ones

Step 17. Clean these

Step 18. Lube these

Step 19+. Install your new parts, essentially the reverse of removal